When you've done all you need to, rest assured that your efforts weren't wasted, even if the person refuses to forgive you whether it be from a distance or up close.... Because you've done all you could and now you're making progress in healing and growth. Whatever they decide to do is on them now. Don't be so caught up in their opinions of you or try to convince them your side of the story.... What matters more is your peace and finding closure. You cannot please everyone and not everyone can please you.... We've all been wounded, disappointed, and offended by people and we've done that to others.
You never know what someone has gone through or is going through. Don't assume or judge them so critically to justify your pride or anger when you feel slighted or they respond out of spite. Forgive, let it go, wish them the best, do your part, and work on improvement. Don't worry about things outside of your control.
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