Wednesday, September 23, 2020

No Bake Key Lime Pie

I made this yummy and tasty dessert key lime pie which is actually perfect for the summertime, and I’m proud of how this turned out! It was super easy to make and will definitely be one of my dessert staples to use.

1 cup condensed milk
1/2 cup lime juice
8 oz container cool whip
1 graham cracker pie crust

Mix condensed milk and lime juice. Fold in cool whip. Pour into graham cracker pie crust and refrigerate overnight. Enjoy! ^_^

Saturday, May 2, 2020

In The Age Of Technology And Hospitality

I enjoy gatherings in various formats. From potlucks to parties, entertainment, recreation, events, social activities, whatever it is and wherever it’s at, I’m an advocate for hospitality and camaraderie. But times look different in our current situation amid the pandemic crisis and government stay-at-home orders. Social gatherings have been put off or closed for an indefinite period. And while many states are looking to reopen their economy and churches sooner than deemed appropriately wise given the situation, all bets are off for me and my family concerning dining out, going to the movies, basketball games, parks, etc. Until a good vaccine has been developed and tested and prevents the virus from spreading.

Otherwise, giving and receiving hugs, exchanging a warm welcome up close face to face, attending church lunches and dinners won’t happen for me as I do not want to take chances.

You all have one of those friends, right?! You know who I am talking about. That girl who is like a second mother even in her 20 something years. Whose place (dorm room, apartment, house, etc.) is always put together. If a group of 5-10 friends stop by unexpectedly, she can easily throw together a 3 course meal with what she has on hand. She is always hosting and serving.

I want to be her! Let’s be honest, I have to plan 2 days in advance before inviting people over. The dishes aren’t clean, since there are only a few of them that I own. I can normally offer people water, an egg sandwich (if the bread is not hard) or cereal. And that’s on a good day.

My roommate is one of those girls! She is the sweetest. This was something I came home to the other day when she had friends over for breakfast.

And this!

And this was for 4 people! We felt very blessed that morning 

I tend to buy and prepare just enough for myself to operate comfortably. Then scramble to make it work when other people enter into the little kingdom I call my townhome.

There is nothing inherently wrong with that. Hospitality is a spiritual gift. It does not come easily to most. So in some ways, let those with the gift use it to serve in the way that makes them happy, and honors the Lord.

But let’s not be quick to use that as a cop-out. God still calls us to be in community with each other. Hebrews 10:25 says not to give up meeting together, but encourage each other. The early church is said to have been opening up their homes to each other, sharing everything they had, and breaking bread together. There is something essential to being in each others lives and homes.

God gives each of us special gifts for reasons, but that does not mean we are meant to neglect all the other gifts. He is still molding us and growing us in all areas of life. Each spiritual gift represents another aspect of God’s character. So by pursuing these things we are bringing Him glory and reflecting Him to others. Actively pursuing things that God values reveals that we attribute value to Him. To make ourselves uncomfortable to pursue things that reflect the Lord is the ultimate evidence of surrender and humility.

And! Bonus! It’s another way to practice dependence on the Lord. I am not a patient person. But I am still called to be patient. So I have to actively depend of the Lord to help me be patient.

This week, I will admit to you all that I have not been a kind person, especially in my thoughts. But God still calls me to be kind. So I have had to depend on Him to help me lay down my sinful heart and adopt a kind spirit. I know that might sound like I am being fake to you, but it’s not. I don’t do it perfectly, but any effort that I do toward kindness was not me. It was the Lord. I have to deny my feelings and my sinful pride in order to obey the Lord.

I am not being fake. I am not being something I am not. I have been made kind in Christ. Any actions that are not kind are a result of my sin, which is no longer my identity. So denying the sin and putting on the attitude of Christ, is me pursuing who I really am. Or who I am being made into in Christ.

So what does that have to do with hospitality in my life. I am not hospitable. I am kinda selfish and like to keep my life to myself. But God has blessed me with an opportunity to serve others in hospitality. So I want to learn to take better advantage of those times and learn to depend on the Lord to help me to grow in hospitality.

God gives and takes away. He has provided time and resources to serve those around me, and He has provided people to serve. I want to take advantage of that.

Also to observe those around me who have been gifted with this. To confess and turn from resentment and envy when they do it so easily. But to really humble myself to be a learner. To ask for help. To challenge myself to things that make me uncomfortable.

In the age of pinterest and smartphones, it is easy to compare and think that we will never measure up. We will never be able to make the coolest recipe and dessert. We will never have the most adorable house to host things in. We will never have enough money to do the things we want. We will never have time to plan theme parties every weekend. But the funnest meal that I shared with people this past week was a turkey burger on a piece of bread, and some left over broccoli. It was easy and tasty. And it allowed us to all spend time and fellowship together. It didn’t have to be elaborate. But the heart behind it pointed to the provision and humility of Jesus. It was a beautiful meal, with wonderful friends.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Walking A Lonely Road

I was listening to a song by Green Day called “Boulevard of Broken Dreams,” and these lyrics have resonated more to me than ever throughout the years.

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don’t know where it goes
But it’s only me, and I walk alone
I walk this empty street
On the boulevard of broken dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I’m the only one, and I walk alone
I walk alone, I walk alone
I walk alone and I walk a…
My shadow’s the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart’s the only thing that’s beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Till then I walk alone

I’ve walked a lonely road for a long time and still do at times. Feel like God ordained my path a certain way just from with struggles that set me apart from the rest. I’ve always felt that I wasn’t meant to belong anywhere even when I’m surrounded by people. Every time I desperately wanted to fit in and belong to a community of people who would accept me and love me, it resulted in more loneliness and sadness.

I used to believe that God was a cold-hearted Creator who was distant and couldn’t care less about my desperation to belong, feel loved, and be known. To not have the opportunity to experience the gift of a friend. But some of the hardest lessons I’ve learned is that we cannot find those in people because they will let us down. Human beings are naturally selfish, cruel, contradictory, tainted in sin, broken, and finite. It’s a byproduct of this fallen world we live in. We sin against and hurt people because nobody’s perfect. There are plenty of passages in the Bible that address how wicked and deceitful the human heart is. All the way from beginning to end.

Each and every time, God who was there all along and cared more and could relate more than I ever realized or imagined, kept bringing me back to Him even after much resistance and backsliding. But I thank Him for never giving up on me even when people fail me and can’t understand.

I have been learning and I’m still learning that God has indeed set me apart from everyone else even when the journey is lonely, painful, and hard to swallow and fathom. My road to sanctification is uniquely tailored and crafted, paved in such a way nobody can relate to no matter who I’m with or how many people I’m surrounded by. And I feel it will only deepen the more I journey towards that road. Though I feel lonely, I’m never truly alone.

I love what my friend Becka shared on loneliness and sanctification which hit home for me.

Written by Becka

I have this entire piece by Tozer written in the back of my Bible. Do you know something of this loneliness? I think it’s a longing for Heaven, for something deeper, something holy and not vain. Something that lasts. I think the holier a Christian becomes in sanctification, the lonelier they get because they’re pulling away from the pack, as it were, in wisdom and knowledge of God, even from those in their own circle of friends and family.

But when you meet or know someone on a similar path, it’s like coming face-to-face with a kindred spirit. Finally, someone who gets it, who understands these deep longings for God! They’re like a breath of fresh air from Glory. Now there goes a solid saint!

Ever felt that in another? I have. But O, how rare they are! It is true the deeper you get in sanctification, the lonelier you become. The only One who can relate is the Lord Jesus Himself. And as Tozer rightly assessed, it is exactly this loneliness that throws this Christian back upon God, seeking the deep fellowship that often only He can provide.


By A.W. Tozer

The loneliness of the Christian results from His walk with God in an ungodly world, a walk that must often take him away from the fellowship of good Christians as well from that of the unregenerate world.

His God-given instincts cry out for companionship with others of his kind, others who can understand his longings, his aspirations, his absorptions in the love of Christ; and because with his circle of friends there are few who share his inner experiences, he’s forced to walk alone.

The unsatisfied longings of the prophets for human understanding caused them to cry out in their complaint, and even our Lord himself suffered in the same way.

The man (or woman) who has passed on into the divine Presence in actual inner experience will not find many who understand him. He finds few who care to talk about that which is the surpreme object of his interest, so he is often silent and preoccupied in the midst of noisy religious shoptalk. For this he earns the reputation of being dull and over-serious so he is avoided, and the gulf between him and society widens.

He searches for the friends upon those garments he can detect the smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia out of the ivory palaces, and finding few or none, he, like Mary of old, keeps these things in his heart.

It is the very loneliness that throws him back upon God. His inability to find human companionship drives him to seek in God, which he can find nowhere else.

“The modern philosopher had told me again and again that I was in the right place, and I had still felt depressed in acquiescence. But I had heard that I was in the wrong place, and my soul sang for joy, like a bird in spring.”-G.K. Chesterton

“If I find in myself a desire which no experience in the world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”-C.S. Lewis

Friday, March 20, 2020

A True Christian Is A Growing Christian

 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”-Matthew 7:24

“Disciples are called to a level deeper than knowledge. They are called to practice what they know. Jesus is not just calling us to come to Him, He is calling us to GO and DO.”

“Jesus wants us to build our lives on Him because that’s the only way to truly live. Jesus isn’t laying burdens on our shoulders too heavy to carry. He is laying a foundation for our lives too strong to move.”

This quote came from my pastor on the Sermon of the Mount series he’s been preaching for a while.

I’m participating in a bible study at church on Follow Me by David Platt, we’ve just started and so far it’s pretty good. I’ve been pondering and meditating a lot evidenced from my posts about comparison, identity, and the love of Christ. In addition to Follow Me and going over the Sermon of the Mount, I’ve also been studying Romans in Sunday school class, and what I find neat is that they all come together to share the significance of the Gospel invitation of true, abundant living. I didn’t realize the pieces sowing together until one day it just dawned on me.

The freedom there is as we walk in His ways, on the narrow road, dying to sin and flesh as we continue this personal and relational journey we have to knowing more of our Triune God. How it’s supposed to change us and the way we live. Our attitudes, thoughts, feelings, and actions should align to what we’re being taught. James 1:22 says, “Be doers of the Word and not hearers only, otherwise you’re deceiving yourself.”

If there is no change taking place in your life, I would begin to question if you really have an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. If you’re not interested in knowing Him more, wanting to live for Him in submission and obedience to His will, and the things of Him. And instead are more interested in rebelling against His ways by chasing after temporary pleasures and comforts of this world to satisfy you, staying complacent, and not even trying or wanting to pursue Him and His kingdom, there’s a problem.

The evidences you should be displaying if you’re a true, born again Christian is the fruit you cultivate overtime. The fruits listed in Galatians 5:22. These fruits don’t grow overnight. They are carefully nurtured, watered, and grown with great care. A Christian’s life is marked by their sanctification, a process of growing more to be like Christ. It is the Holy Spirit who does the job of sanctifying as you renew your mind through reading and hearing the Word of God, and obeying what it says. That change is evidenced by a personal and relational journey we have with our God and Savior. Time will tell and the fruit is our outward display of a changed heart within.

As I look back on my life, I shudder at how I acted towards people, the things I’ve said, and things I’ve done that I’m not proud of. I was so immature and self-centered. Quite frankly, I’ve still got a long ways to go. But, I can say with certainty that I’m not where I used to be and I thank God for that. For being so patient and loving towards me as He grew seeds planted in my heart, that became softened and tendered. Producing blossoms that represented my spiritual infancy stages and maturing into deliciously ripe fruit.

Again, I still have a long ways to go. To rip apart and forsake idols, tempting desires, and fleeting pleasures of this world that sit on the throne of my heart instead of my Master, Savior, and King who reigns and should be supreme in my life.

Oh how I fall short of this and slip up. It becomes so easy to compare, to want, and be more so my pride gets all the glory. That very same pride which led Lucifer to rebel and be kicked out from heaven. There is only one who deserves all the praise, honor, and glory. And that is my amazing and awesome God. 

The more we live in surrendered lives to God, submitting to Him and dying to ourselves, the more freedom, joy, peace, love, fulfillment, and abundance there is and the more satisfying and rewarding our lives will be. That is what God wants for all of us. Dying to self-sin actually means stripping ourselves from the things that destroy us and finding new life. And following our Savior will lead us more on that path.

These truths are so beautiful, powerful, convicting, and rewarding despite the challenges it brings. Great lessons and reminders we need to be instilling in our lives if we’re going to keep growing as disciples. 


Somebody once said, “Unforgiveness and resentment is like drinking bitter poison and expecting the other person to die.”

This made me think back to 2013, where there was a guy named Jonathan who acted like a mentor for me. I met him through a college bible study held on campus once a week that he led. He’s very wise, knowledgeable, and gifted in discernment. I had wrestled with emotional and spiritual instability constantly and was a mess. I didn’t have a good relationship with God, as there was some much needed development and pruning to take place. Jonathan understood but was very patient and humble towards me as he continued to pour his love into me, even when I wasn’t lovable at all whatsoever. 

One day, Jonathan’s pastor preached a wonderful message over unforgiveness and demonic warfare. Jonathan heard God tell him after the sermon was over, “This is for Jennifer.” He took notes and gave them to me with the link to the sermon and sure enough, it addressed the issues with my unstable moods and spiritual depression.

By refusing to forgive, I was giving Satan access to torment me. And it prevented me from drawing near to God, hence why I felt so far from Him. That’s why I continued to struggle so much and have unstable moods.

I’m learning it all comes down to where I place my thoughts and emotions on the heart-throne of my life. In order to be truly stable in my emotions, I must align my feelings to what is true (Phil 4:8) and go to the Word to renew my mind (Romans 12:2) to let it master over my life instead of being mastered by emotions. (2 Corinthians 10:5)

Since the fall of humanity, creation and relationships have been distorted and twisted from its original design. Bringing disorder and dysfunction everywhere, including what’s in our hearts and minds. The Bible has much to say on this in Romans and other Scriptures throughout. There’s always going to be a tug-of-war of what feels right versus what IS right. And the only way to overcome is to bring ourselves to the knowledge of Scriptures that declare who God is, what He’s done, our identities we have in Him, and repetitiously meditating on these until fruitful evidence begins to show.


  • Hinders prayers
  • Blocks relational intimacy with God and others
  • Opens doors to the demonic realm to oppress you (Ephesians 4:27; 6:12; Matthew 18:21-35)
  • Causes one to stumble in darkness by resisting God and submitting to the devil (James 4:7-8)
  • Negatively affects your health (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual)
  • Isolates you from community
  • Results from sinful pride in a fallen body
  • Damages your credibility and witness
  • Is forgetting the evidences of grace, mercy, and tenderhearted love at the Cross

Continued notes

  • Does not mean your salvation can be lost
  •   A born-again Christian is positionally and eternally secure
  •   A born-again Christian is positionally sanctified and will continue to be sanctified. They cannot keep on sinning in the Spirit (1 John 3:9; 2 Corinthians 5:17)
  • Forgiveness is a verb that involves faith (Luke 17:4-6)
  • Forgiveness does not minimize or diminish wounds
  • Forgiveness enables you to walk in freedom and healing from bondage of sin and oppressed chains
  • Forgiveness fosters unity and reconciliation, but it doesn’t always mean reconciliation will or should happen
  • Forgiveness is remembering that you’ve been forgiven so, so much when it wasn’t deserved and extending that to another person
I couldn’t find the sermon Jonathan sent me with the notes but fortunately, I’ve found sermons very similar from the same pastor down below.

Relational Strain part 1

Relational Strain part 2

Relational Strain part 3

Overcoming Bitterness

When To Forgive

How To Forgive

The Power of Grace

Saturday, March 14, 2020

In A Season of Discouragement, Frustration, Weariness, and Discomfort

I have been in a place where I’m constantly feeling tried, tested, and being pruned in difficult seasons of insomnia, loving the unlovable, being kind and loving on people who make me uncomfortable, and wondering when God will come through for me.

I’ve been battling sleepless nights frustrated, worried, and doubtful because I’ve been losing sleep for months now despite exercising, medication, finding ways to relax, and meditating on Scripture, talking to the Lord in prayer, etc. Yet my circumstances haven’t gotten better or changed. My sleep problems have produced this anxiety and dreadful anticipation at bedtime because even when I manage to fall asleep, I’ll suddenly wake up 2 hours later and cannot go back to sleep. I’ll be seeing a sleep specialist in another month who will hopefully help provide a solution to treat this insomnia. I’m deeply grateful for people keeping me in their prayers during this difficult time as I can feel the peace that surrounds me and comforts me in moments of doubt and hopelessness.

God has been showing His faithfulness towards me despite not taking away my problems. Reminding me of His merciful loving kindness and grace which I find myself lacking tremendously on towards others. Showing me His humility and patience to emulate to others no matter how difficult and unlovable they are, or how awkward and uncomfortable they make me feel.

There’s just so much I can’t fathom of God’s sovereignty which makes my trust in Him immensely challenging and difficult. I feel like I struggle in this capacity more than others due to personal experiences and viewing the pain and suffering in others that have begged the question, “Why?” Why does He allow some people to be more afflicted than others? Why does He allow some people to succeed with their suicide attempt yet allows others to survive that? And many more questions I have that are unanswered.

Witnessing theological debates on man’s free will and God’s sovereignty really called my beliefs into questioning and doubtful wariness towards Him. But each time I distanced myself from God when I couldn’t understand Him, He would bring me right back to Him and my awareness of His evident work in my life seemed stronger than others for some reason. As in, I was more receptive somehow. Despite my issues and challenges, God has given me comfort and peace that have transcended all understanding.

I’m reminded of this Scripture, “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” -2 Corinthians 12:9

It’s as if God’s speaking to my heart telling me that He is bigger and better than my circumstances, even when I fail to see a way out and when it doesn’t look like it’ll get better. He has it all under control. Even when I doubt and wrestle with questions I’ll never have the answers to, God is still in control. Even when medicine isn’t working, God is still in control of my situation. No matter what I face and no matter what happens now, tomorrow, or in the next month. God is sovereign and will take care of me.

“This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil”-Hebrews 6:19

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”-Philippians 4:6-7

“In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”-Philippians 4:12-13

“Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’ Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. ‘You of little faith,’ he said, ‘why did you doubt?’”-Matthew 14: 29-31

“For we live by faith, not by sight.”-2 Corinthians 5:7

“I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”-Psalm 34:4

“Casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully].”-1 Peter 5:7 AMP

Thursday, March 12, 2020

What A High School Basketball Game Taught Me About Faith

Last night, I went to a basketball game with my dad at his old high school where the Somerset Briar Jumpers (Our school team’s mascot) was playing against the Danville Admirals (Boo!) in the Regional semi-finals. At the beginning, Somerset played terribly as they missed a lot of easy shots, did some bad throws, and kept giving Danville the upper hand to score a point left and right. It was miserable and the boys were getting rattled, I could tell.

During 2nd quarter when both teams went on break, I excused myself from the stadium also to wander the halls a bit and pray for a miracle that the game would turn around and we’d win a victory lol. And as I was praying, I felt calm and a sense of joyful anticipation when a sudden realization hit me.

Often times in my faith, I get discouraged when the beginning looks awful and it feels like it will stay that way. I knew that’s how the boys must’ve felt as they were getting ran over by the other team. It made me think about difficult times in my life when things weren’t going the way I had hoped. And my prayers weren’t getting answered the way I wanted it, but looking back now, God did answer by reminding me that He was in control. No matter how many obstacles there are or how hopeless a situation appears, He is faithful regardless of the situation and outcome.

It made me reflect that on my faith. That even when my journey has ups and downs and terrible beginnings or middle, it doesn’t mean it will have a terrible ending. And when the result isn’t what we expected, will we still trust God and His character in tough and dry seasons? Believe that He is good and faithful regardless of the outcome?

That’s when I realized I needed to step back and just continue watching, cheering those boys on, and enjoy the game no matter the score. And I had this odd feeling that things were gonna change. Sure enough, those boys made a fierce comeback during a 18 point halftime deficit to tie the game with less than 12 seconds on the clock once they figured out how to intercept the key players from the other team. But sadly lost at the very last shot from the opposing team at the buzzer. Would’ve been a fantastic finish for the boys had they won but they lost by 2 points!

My heart would’ve been so happy but it was a good game. And I had faith in them. The student body and the crowd’s high spirited energy filled the stadium and never once gave up on those boys, and the boys didn’t give up either. The final score was 66 to 64. That’s what I call perseverance. I’m so proud of the boys for not giving up and playing their very best despite a terrible beginning and bad calls from the refs. They played hard all season and became District Champs which is a great accomplishment!

So the students, fans, and alumni have every reason to be proud of them. It all depends on how you look at it. Even though my God didn’t answer my prayer the way I hoped, He still answered by reminding me of who He is and taught me something in the process. God moves in mighty ways, but answers prayers according to His ways and on His terms.

Next year, some of those returning players are coming back for the next season so I’ll be sure to be rooting for them! Way to go Briar Jumpers!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Church Hopping

Not satisfied with your church?

Yeah, I’ve been there too many times. Someone ignores me, pastor abruptly leaves the conversation, nobody makes effort to greet me or notice my existence, etc. The list goes on. It was the perfect excuse to church hop and land in a totally new environment where everything went smoothly, until….

Someone ignores me, pastor brushes me aside, my feelings get hurt, etc. Tempting me to move once again. I’ve avoided going to church or sticking with a church body for a long time. Oddly enough, after settling in Somerset, I’ve joined a church called Beacon Hill Baptist, where the same things I’ve mentioned have happened to me there. Yet this time, something in me wanted to stay despite strong temptations to church hop once again. It was this inner voice telling me, “this is where you’re supposed to be.”

I remember reading a book from the church library called, “I Am A Church Member” by Thom Rainer. It was eye-opening and helped me understand the importance of being committed to a church body. There isn’t a perfect church. No matter where you go everybody has sins, struggles, character flaws, and much more. There will be people you won’t get along with, quirks that drive you nuts, wrestling temptations, and so many more. But if the Holy Spirit tells you to stay, He has a reason for putting you there.

The more I stayed at my church, the more I noticed my flaws, inadequacies, temptations, personal struggles, and sins. Why do I stay in a place where my struggles and hurts only increase? I believe it’s because in those moments, God is refining me and healing my wounds. I know it sounds crazy, but God often uses painful moments to help you grow and flourish in your faith. To rebuild and reshape your character to look like His. It comes through trials and hardships. No pain, no gain right? If I had left and continued bouncing from one church to another, I would be so miserable and weaker because I wouldn’t have the support, accountability, and prayers that comes from staying in a local church.

It’s still hard and messy, I won’t lie and at times I’m tempted to leave when people are difficult or don’t meet my expectations. I’m still learning to accept people for who they are and not be offended by their actions, which might be a reflection of their problems that they need to work on. Just as I must work on mine.

Some people are intimidated to approach others or scared of looking and saying something stupid or making you uncomfortable. Or they could be just occupied or not feeling well. Don’t expect too much from people or expect them to act a certain way towards you to please you. It increases more of this entitlement behavior you contributed and misery when they reject you.

Invest in asking how you can benefit others by being there. Maybe you could be that greeter or someone who approaches visitors with a beaming smile and a friendly hello. Ask how you can assist or pray for someone in particular. Always be willing to serve and have a prayerful attitude no matter what. Remember that Jesus came to serve and not be served. Matthew 20:28. Pray for those who’ve offended you or are acting difficult. Bless your pastor with uplifting and edifying words and deeds. Remain faithful to your church and treat them the way you’d want them to treat you and your family.

If this helped you, I’m humbled and thankful. If not, at least I got it off my chest. I’ll be looking at this post as a reminder when I need it. Thank you for listening lol.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

What God Has Been Teaching Me

What God Has Been Teaching Me

1. Not to compare myself to others because we’re all individually crafted and masterfully tailored, on different journeys in different seasons of life.

2. Patience and trust in God’s timing.

3. Trusting God goes hand in hand with loving Him.

4. Embrace how God wired my brain and struggles: My limitations and dependency as a blessing than a curse to drive my dependency on the Lord.

5. Surrender my desires and weaknesses over to God so that his power/grace will be more evident in my life.

6. To always be thankful in all circumstances.

7. Speak words of affirmation & truth over myself against lies from my feelings and warfare by meditating on His Word.

8. The importance of knowing who He is, whose I am, and who I am in Christ.

9. To be still in letting God handle my problems as I enter His secret place, abiding in Him.

10. The effects unforgiveness has on a believer in correlation to ministry.

11. God is not a hyper-legalistic God who condemns or shames when I stumble or fall short. He is a heavenly father and friend who loves me and is there for me always.

12. His grace is more than enough and helps me in my weaknesses.

13. God is greater and bigger and so worthy/deserving of my reverence in admiration of his holiness and mighty love.

14. I’m very much a work in progress.

15. I am on a relational journey in a race of endurance I’m called to run and finish.

16. God wants me to be free to enjoy Him and enjoy being a Christian.

17. It’s ok to be perfectly imperfect.

18. Legalism binds me in chains and prevents me from living in freedom that God wants me to live by His grace, love, and tender mercies.

19. God created me for Himself, to know Him and to glorify His name.

20. Obedience to God protects me and enables me to walk in freedom.

21. I am known intimately and cherished by my Creator.

22. To boast in Christ and not myself in Christ.

23. Healing takes time and shouldn’t be rushed as the process of growth and discovery happens in slow stages.

24. Transformation of the heart cannot occur when your mind is not being renewed day by day.

25. Prayer is communication with God and aligning your heart to His heart as you remember who He is.

26. Worship goes deeper beyond music and words. It is a posture of the heart that cultivates reverence and humility realizing the magnitude of God and esteeming Him, not oneself.

27. Money itself does not lead to evil. It’s the hearts attitude towards money that can spiral into sin and bring misfortune.

28. Esteeming God helps you to appreciate how God made you.

29. Going against God’s original design for relationships, sex, marriage, gender, etc leads to dysfunction and disorder.

30. Contentment is being satisfied in Christ alone and not basing your identity or worth by what you own or your merits of success, abilities, talents, skill, etc.

31. Seasons of being alone, misunderstood, and isolated deepens my longing for intimacy with God.

32. God is often more interested in bringing you THROUGH obstacles than He is in taking them away. To shape you, refine you, and make you more like Him in holiness.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Beef and Potato Bake

I tried this simple and delicious beef and potato bake recipe made by Jessa Duggar Seewald. But instead of using sweet potatoes like she used, I had regular potatoes and cooked the meat in a skillet for a little bit before putting it in with the potatoes, seasonings, and onions to bake in the oven. Once it was done, I added some ketchup to the beef because it was a bit dry but it tasted really good! It was a very hearty meal and had good flavor. I think it’s best to eat it during the wintertime or fall season when the weather gets really chilly in my opinion. =) Hope you enjoy this as much as I did!