Tuesday, April 11, 2023

How I Respond To Disrespect

 Just want to point out that whenever someone doesn't show interest or enough interest in whatever you have to say, don't take it so personal or as a slight. Because people have stuff going on in their lives and it's not easy to retain focus nowadays with instant social media feeds and our very limited attention spans. It is okay to not always be all in or have an indifference in some things. Not everybody has to agree, like, or respond to anything you say or do. If I spent my day getting upset or offended, I'd be miserable all day, everyday. Don't let someone's nonchalant, disrespect, or apathetic attitude or response define who you are. You're more than that. And if someone is always blowing you off, not paying attention, or is disrespectful, that says more about them than it does you. Remember that next time if you feel slighted or disregarded. And also, you've done it too with other people.

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