As I was tempted to throw in the towel again, I shook off my unwillingness and read a portion of the Psalms and Proverbs. Using highlighters and colored pencils to mark certain words and a pencil to underline and circle phrases that jumped out at me. It was a beautiful time of soaking in the amazing truths I learned. I felt rejuvenated and vigorous.
My suggestion to you if you’re struggling to stay in God’s Word is to read the Psalms or Proverbs. Study and meditate on the beautiful prayers or wisdom gleaned through those passages. Personalize them into prayers or poetry. Maybe even a prayer/poem. James is another good place to start. But to each their own. Just remember when you decide to quit, you’re admitting defeat to the devil. NEVER do that. Fight back. Lives are literally at stake when we don’t. Think about that.

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