Anime has played a huge major part in my life. Its beautiful animation, engaging storylines, and dynamic music scores have helped me through unpleasant situations and escape from harsh, unsettling reality. Those memories I have of those days where God was pushed back from my mind into the abyss and became non-existent, were some of my happiest times I could remember. If only I could go back to those times. Things were simpler, I was more ignorant and naive. I didn’t wrestle heavily with spiritual warfare and an identity crisis stemming from a misconstrued notion of God.
My sins and personal struggles didn’t bother me as much as they do now because of how I suppressed them subconsciously. Yet through anime, I have also learned more about God and His character through wonderful voice actors. It opened the door to more people who have shared inspiration, encouragement, and spiritual reminders. It brought me laughter, tears, happiness, and a sense of connection through the characters on screen as I watched from the sidelines.
In a way, it’s sort of helping me do the same in reality whenever I get stuck in the comparison trap, believing God loves and cares for some people more than others by how He’s blessed them and is moving in their lives. Ergo, I can’t help but feel pangs of discontentment through envy and jealousy. But, even though I don’t understand God and His ways, it brings me a glimmer of hope that I can be happy for those who have what I don’t and can’t have, be what I’m not, and do what I’m unable to accomplish, as I sit on the sidelines admiring it all from the background. I guess in some way, I’m actually being blessed that way. All’s that to say is, I can rest assure that my love for anime and the impact it’s had on me will never die until I rest in peace.
Comments under this post
“One of the amazing things about God is that He finds us where we are and uses the things around us to bring us close to Him. I’m glad He used anime to draw you to Himself. I struggle with thinking God will cast me off – grow tired of my sin and label me a lost cause. That line of thinking is supported everywhere but the Word of God. So, I’ve had to learn that when thoughts of uncertainty come, I have to get in the Bible to find Truth. You are a blessing to our church. I see you sitting with different people, and I know they are glad for your presence. As God continues to grow His Word in you, I pray you find peace and wisdom. I pray He establishes Himself as your delight, as He opens your eyes to all He is and all He does for you. I’m glad you are a part of our church family.”-Deborah
“Jesus loves you, and He wants you to love Him more too! I’m so thankful that God is patient and merciful and forgiving. When we ask for his forgiveness, He takes away our sins “as far as the east is from the west” Psalm 103. You are a blessing to our church, and we’re so glad you’re a paratrooper at our church!”-Jeannie
“I agree! I’ve learned a lot through anime and especially got to connect to people and share God’s love through it. I think God uses art to speak to us and sort of bridge us as humans in a special way.”-Priscilla
“Try not to get discouraged about the heavy spiritual attacks. This is a sign of God doing a deep work within you to purify you and transform you so you can walk in the blessings he wants to bestow on you. Warfare is very high right now, because 2020 is going to be an amazing move of God like never seen before. I expect God is preparing you, to take you higher in your walk with him. Also, don’t think that because you see certain things that you don’t like in yourself that it’s the way it will be forever. No. Not at all! I remember feeling envious and jealous of others too, I’d say maybe as little as 3/4 years ago. But if you press into God and your relationship with him, spending time with him every day and passing every test and challenge he puts before you, you will see dramatic changes in yourself that you never thought were even possible.
And another thing too, this time right now is a time of accelerated development in the Spirit. So what used to take God 40 years to develop in a person’s character, he is now achieving within a few years or even quicker because time is so short. I know how you feel about anime, I see already some great points have been made to help you. I’ll just add that I think God allows some things to be our escape from really hard things for our survival, but his true desire is that we would graduate eventually from our dependence upon anything that is not himself, to a place where He is where we go for escape and comfort. Because our dependence upon anything other than God is usually idolatry, setting up a false God. Engaging in it is probably not wrong but where it takes priority over God is the issue.
Like for example, I used to go to food for comfort, instead of God. Well, I still have to eat and I’m positive God wants me to enjoy eating too, but not to excess and not as an escape. Excess in this area will create obesity and disease.
Escapism in anything will keep you from growth and maturity because it keeps you from processing hurt in a healthy way. That is why you have to keep going back to get the same result, or doing more of the same, etc. In other words, it never works. It never heals, it only marks and suppresses hurt, fear, anxiety, bad memories, pain, etc. Whereas when we deny ourselves such escapes and excesses, pain begins to surface and if we can take that pain to God instead, he will help us process it in a way that brings deep healing and growth. We go from glory to glory! We just keep getting better and better! We eventually become whole! We become the joyful, loving, peace filled, patient, self-controlled, faithful, kindest version of ourselves that God actually created us to become. We begin to reflect him! Hope that all makes sense! God bless you!”-Janine
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