If you're having a bad day, I hope you will find some comfort in knowing that eventually it will all pass. I know it can be really hard and life will have its ups and downs, but you are not alone and you will get by one way or another. Some days, you might be in constant tears wondering if things will get better. Or some days, you might feel like your situations are suffocating and rendering you powerless, helpless, incapable, and hopeless. With fear, anxiety, or worry surrounding your every corner. Even with helpful advice or encouragement, it can still feel overwhelming when you're not in control causing you to believe things are about to get worse.
If that is you right now, I hope things will get brighter and better for you. I hope you'll still have some fight left in you against depression, anxiety, or stress, whatever it is. But even if you feel like you've exhausted your efforts to stay positive and are just tired of everything, I hope you'll see a glimpse of a rainbow soon.
They say the cream in the coffee eventually rises to the top. It may take a lot longer than you expect but it will get there. In the meantime, what can you do to ensure that you're not consumed by darkness looming around you or inside your head? Practice self-care, find effective coping strategies, make sure you're getting adequate sleep your body needs, eating a well-balanced and healthy nutrition, exercise, have a social support system, volunteer, get therapy or see your doctor to address chemical imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, etc. Remember there is no shame in getting help when you're in a dark, unhealthy place. Never listen to the stigma or lies saying you shouldn't. Only weak, callous and insecure people say that.
In addition, I also suggest grounding yourself in God's Word building up your faith by remembering and rehearsing His promises, character, your true identity, and growing in a relational knowledge as you learn more about Him. (Community plays a strong and vital role in this) Through actively meditating in the Bible, listening to praise and worship music, journaling, good sermons, podcasts, blogs, books, videos.
Your physical, emotional & mental, and spiritual self constantly needs nourishment otherwise it cannot survive. It will be a challenge but take heart it won't last forever, dear one. ❤ Do what you gotta do and hang in there! I believe in you!