What God Has Been Teaching Me
1. Not to compare myself to others because we’re all individually crafted and masterfully tailored, on different journeys in different seasons of life.
2. Patience and trust in God’s timing.
3. Trusting God goes hand in hand with loving Him.
4. Embrace how God wired my brain and struggles: My limitations and dependency as a blessing than a curse to drive my dependency on the Lord.
5. Surrender my desires and weaknesses over to God so that his power/grace will be more evident in my life.
6. To always be thankful in all circumstances.
7. Speak words of affirmation & truth over myself against lies from my feelings and warfare by meditating on His Word.
8. The importance of knowing who He is, whose I am, and who I am in Christ.
9. To be still in letting God handle my problems as I enter His secret place, abiding in Him.
10. The effects unforgiveness has on a believer in correlation to ministry.
11. God is not a hyper-legalistic God who condemns or shames when I stumble or fall short. He is a heavenly father and friend who loves me and is there for me always.
12. His grace is more than enough and helps me in my weaknesses.
13. God is greater and bigger and so worthy/deserving of my reverence in admiration of his holiness and mighty love.
14. I’m very much a work in progress.
15. I am on a relational journey in a race of endurance I’m called to run and finish.
16. God wants me to be free to enjoy Him and enjoy being a Christian.
17. It’s ok to be perfectly imperfect.
18. Legalism binds me in chains and prevents me from living in freedom that God wants me to live by His grace, love, and tender mercies.
19. God created me for Himself, to know Him and to glorify His name.
20. Obedience to God protects me and enables me to walk in freedom.
21. I am known intimately and cherished by my Creator.
22. To boast in Christ and not myself in Christ.
23. Healing takes time and shouldn’t be rushed as the process of growth and discovery happens in slow stages.
24. Transformation of the heart cannot occur when your mind is not being renewed day by day.
25. Prayer is communication with God and aligning your heart to His heart as you remember who He is.
26. Worship goes deeper beyond music and words. It is a posture of the heart that cultivates reverence and humility realizing the magnitude of God and esteeming Him, not oneself.
27. Money itself does not lead to evil. It’s the hearts attitude towards money that can spiral into sin and bring misfortune.
28. Esteeming God helps you to appreciate how God made you.
29. Going against God’s original design for relationships, sex, marriage, gender, etc leads to dysfunction and disorder.
30. Contentment is being satisfied in Christ alone and not basing your identity or worth by what you own or your merits of success, abilities, talents, skill, etc.
31. Seasons of being alone, misunderstood, and isolated deepens my longing for intimacy with God.
32. God is often more interested in bringing you THROUGH obstacles than He is in taking them away. To shape you, refine you, and make you more like Him in holiness.